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Mothers sometimes get overwhelmed with so much that we have to multitask. Motherhood or “muvahood” involves lots of balance. Many times us as mothers can take away time for ourselves in learning how to find balance in home, self and baby. If you need help adjusting to postpartum life or with your children, remember "it takes a village to raise a child." If you need a hot meal for yourself and family, breastfeeding help, cleaning up home, natural healing products, reiki or anything to help you adjust to being a new parent or just to have a break for yourself, then this is the service for you.

This includes at a basic level 
-Dinner for family
-Light housework
-Help with Children in household
-Mini Reiki session or natural products (postpartum)

Customizable to each household because each mother may need somethingdiffeewnt 


Excluding Sales Tax |
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